The word 'chiaramente' is used in Italian to express the same meaning as 'clearly' in English. It is an adverb that describes an action or situation with clarity, precision, or transparency. For example, 'Ho capito chiaramente le sue istruzioni' translates to 'I clearly understood his instructions'.
I clearly do not understand.
In this sentence, 'chiaramente' is used as an adverb to modify the verb 'capisco' (I understand), indicating that the speaker does not understand plainly or explicitly.
He clearly made a mistake.
Here, 'chiaramente' is placed before the verb 'ha sbagliato' (made a mistake) to reflect that, without any doubt, a mistake was made by him.
We have to clearly express our opinion.
In this example, 'chiaramente' serves as an adverbial modifier to 'esprimere' (express), implying that the opinion needs to be shared unmistakably and without confusion.