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Che onda

English translation of Che onda

What's up

The Italian phrase 'Che onda' is directly translated to English as 'What wave'. It's not used literally to ask about a physical wave, but it's not a common phrase in Italian. A more accurate translation might be 'Che cosa', meaning 'What'. Italian language does not use the term 'wave' the way English does in colloquialisms.

Example sentences using: Che onda

Che onda sta arrivando dalla costa?

English translation of Che onda sta arrivando dalla costa?

What wave is coming from the coast?

This sentence is typically used when someone is observing the sea and anticipating a wave from the shore, maybe a surfer or sea lover who is interested in wave activity.

Voglio scoprire che onda sta cambiando il mio umore.

English translation of Voglio scoprire che onda sta cambiando il mio umore.

I want to discover what wave is changing my mood.

Here, the speaker is using metaphorical language to express that they want to understand what force, represented here by 'wave', is influencing their mood. It could be used in a moment of reflection or self-analysis.

Hai sentito che onda di calore c'è fuori?

English translation of Hai sentito che onda di calore c'è fuori?

Have you felt what a heat wave there is outside?

This phrase could be used in small talk or to express concern about hot weather. A 'wave of heat' is a period of abnormally hot weather, and the user is asking if the other person has noticed the extreme temperature outside.

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