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English translation of cervello


The Italian word 'cervello' is used to refer to the brain, which is the main organ of the human nervous system and is responsible for thought, memory, emotion, and sensory processing. It is located within the skull and is connected to the spinal cord. In Italian, 'cervello' can also be used figuratively to refer to intelligence or mental capacity.

Example sentences using: cervello

Hai bisogno di usare il tuo cervello per risolvere questo problema.

English translation of Hai bisogno di usare il tuo cervello per risolvere questo problema.

You need to use your brain to solve this problem.

This is an expression in Italian used to suggest to someone that they need to think carefully and use their intelligence to solve a specific problem.

Il cervello umano è un organo molto complesso.

English translation of Il cervello umano è un organo molto complesso.

The human brain is a very complex organ.

This is a common phrase in Italian which is used to refer to the complexity of the human brain, often in discussions related to biology, psychology, or neuroscience.

Questo libro è un cibo per il cervello.

English translation of Questo libro è un cibo per il cervello.

This book is food for the brain.

This is a common metaphorical phrase in Italian used to suggest that a book (or another intellectual activity) stimulates the mind in the same way that food nourishes the body.

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