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English translation of caso


The Italian word 'caso' is used much like the English word 'case'. It can refer to an instance or occurrence of a particular situation, an example of something, or a matter to be dealt with. However, it does not translate to 'case' in the context of a container or cover. Context is important when using this word.

Example sentences using: caso

In ogni caso, dobbiamo partire presto.

English translation of In ogni caso, dobbiamo partire presto.

In any case, we must leave early.

This phrase uses 'caso' in a context referring to any possible situation or condition. It implies that no matter what happens, the result should be the same - departure has to be early.

È solo un caso isolato.

English translation of È solo un caso isolato.

It's just an isolated case.

In this sentence, 'caso' is used to mean a specific instance or example of something. It implies that this situation is not common and is single or unique.

Per caso, hai visto le mie chiavi?

English translation of Per caso, hai visto le mie chiavi?

Have you seen my keys, by any chance?

In this sentence, 'caso' is used to express the possibility of something happening, not defined by any specific conditions. In the English translation, it is represented by the term 'by any chance'.

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