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English translation of campo


In Italian, 'campo' is used similarly as 'field' is in English. It can refer to a wide, open land area, or it can also be used in a more abstract sense, like referring to a subject area or field of study. It is also used in sports to mean the ground where games are played.

Example sentences using: campo

Il campo di grano è molto vasto.

English translation of Il campo di grano è molto vasto.

The wheat field is very large.

In this sentence, 'campo' refers to a physical field, specifically a wheat field. The sentence is commenting about the size of the wheat field.

Giocano a calcio sul campo ogni pomeriggio.

English translation of Giocano a calcio sul campo ogni pomeriggio.

They play soccer on the field every afternoon.

Here, 'campo' represents a sports field. The sentence is about a group of people who play soccer on this field every afternoon.

La ricerca sul campo è molto importante per gli antropologi.

English translation of La ricerca sul campo è molto importante per gli antropologi.

Field research is very important for anthropologists.

In this example, 'campo' is used in a metaphorical sense to mean 'field' in the context of research or study. The sentence explains the importance of field research for anthropologists.

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