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English translation of biglietto


The Italian word 'biglietto' is used similar to the English word 'ticket'. It can be used in the context of a ticket for a concert, a movie, a bus ride, or any event that requires entry or participation. For example, 'Ho un biglietto per il concerto', translates to, 'I have a ticket for the concert'.

Example sentences using: biglietto

Ho perso il mio biglietto per il concerto.

English translation of Ho perso il mio biglietto per il concerto.

I lost my ticket for the concert.

This phrase is used when one loses a physical ticket for an event, such as a concert. 'Ho perso' translates to 'I lost', 'il mio biglietto' translates to 'my ticket', and 'per il concerto' means 'for the concert'.

Hai bisogno di un biglietto per entrare al museo.

English translation of Hai bisogno di un biglietto per entrare al museo.

You need a ticket to enter the museum.

This sentence is used to describe the necessity of having a ticket for entrance to a venue, in this case, a museum. 'Hai bisogno di' translates to 'you need', 'un biglietto' translates to 'a ticket', and 'per entrare al museo' means 'to enter the museum'.

Dov'è il biglietto del parcheggio?

English translation of Dov'è il biglietto del parcheggio?

Where is the parking ticket?

This phrase illustrates a question concerning the location of a specific item, in this case, a parking ticket. 'Dov'è' translates to 'where is', 'il biglietto' translates to 'the ticket', and 'del parcheggio' means 'of the parking'.

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