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English translation of bianco


The word 'bianco' is an adjective used in Italian to describe the color white. Just like in English, it can be used in various contexts such as describing the color of objects or the color of a person's hair. 'Bianco' also has cultural meanings in Italy, where white is traditionally associated with purity and innocence.

Example sentences using: bianco

Ho una camicia bianca

English translation of Ho una camicia bianca

I have a white shirt

This is a simple sentence stating possession of a white shirt. 'Ho' is the first person present tense of avere (to have), 'una' is an indefinite article meaning 'a', 'camicia' is a feminine noun meaning 'shirt', and 'bianca' is an adjective meaning 'white'. The adjective agrees in number and gender with the noun it modifies, hence 'bianca' is in its feminine singular form.

Il gatto bianco sta dormendo

English translation of Il gatto bianco sta dormendo

The white cat is sleeping

This sentence describes an ongoing action performed by a white cat. 'Il' is a definite article meaning 'the', 'gatto' is a masculine noun meaning 'cat', 'bianco' is an adjective meaning 'white', 'sta' is a third person singular present of stare (to stay, to be) used to indicate continuous action, and 'dormendo' is a gerund form of dormire (to sleep).

Il cielo è bianco oggi

English translation of Il cielo è bianco oggi

The sky is white today

This sentence describes the color of the sky on a particular day. 'Il' is a definite article meaning 'the', 'cielo' is a masculine noun meaning 'sky', 'è' is a third person singular present of essere (to be), 'bianco' is an adjective meaning 'white', and 'oggi' is an adverb meaning 'today'.

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