In Italian, the verb 'bere' translates to 'drink' in English. It is used to denote the action of consuming a liquid. Same as in English, 'bere' can be used in a variety of contexts, including to refer to the action of consuming alcoholic beverages, drinking a glass of water, or even figuratively, as in drinking in a view.
I like to drink coffee in the morning.
This sentence is an expression of personal preference towards drinking coffee in the morning. It states the subject's liking ('Mi piace') for drinking ('bere') coffee ('il caffè') at a particular time of the day, which is in the morning ('al mattino').
We need to drink a lot of water every day.
This sentence advises the importance of hydration, stating that it is necessary ('Dobbiamo') to drink ('bere') a large quantity ('molta') of water ('acqua') on a daily basis ('ogni giorno').
I forgot to drink my wine.
This sentence tells about a forgotten action. The speaker forgot ('Ho dimenticato') to perform an action, that is to drink ('bere') something that was theirs, in this case, wine ('il mio vino').