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English translation of bara


The word 'bara' is the Italian translation of the English word 'coffin'. In Italian, 'bara' is used to refer to the container in which a deceased person is placed for burial or cremation. It is a common term used in funeral contexts and is often accompanied by other words related to death and mourning.

Example sentences using: bara

La bara di mio nonno era di rovere.

English translation of La bara di mio nonno era di rovere.

My grandfather's coffin was made of oak.

In this sentence, 'bara' is used to mean a coffin, typically a funerary box used for viewing or keeping a corpse.

Hanno portato la bara in chiesa per il funerale.

English translation of Hanno portato la bara in chiesa per il funerale.

They carried the coffin to the church for the funeral.

This sentence is referring to a cultural practice where a coffin ('bara') is brought into a church for a funeral service.

La bara era pesante per i portatori.

English translation of La bara era pesante per i portatori.

The coffin was heavy for the pallbearers.

The sentence describes a situation where a coffin ('bara') is heavy for the pallbearers, referring to the people assigned to carry the coffin during a funeral ceremony.

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