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English translation of banda


In Italian, 'banda' is used to refer to a group of musicians, similar to how 'band' is used in English. It can also refer to a gang or a group of people with a common purpose.

Example sentences using: banda

La banda sta suonando al parco questa sera.

English translation of La banda sta suonando al parco questa sera.

The band is playing at the park this evening.

In this example, 'banda' is translated to 'band'. It refers to a group of individuals who play music together.

La polizia sta cercando la banda di ladri.

English translation of La polizia sta cercando la banda di ladri.

The police are looking for the gang of thieves.

In this case, 'banda' is translated to 'gang'. It refers to a group of people involved in criminal activities together.

Sto ascoltando la banda sonora di quel film.

English translation of Sto ascoltando la banda sonora di quel film.

I'm listening to that movie's soundtrack.

In this instance, 'banda' in 'banda sonora' is translated to 'soundtrack'. It refers to all the music that accompanies a movie or a series.

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