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English translation of azione


The Italian word 'azione' takes on many of the same meanings as the English 'action'. It is used to describe a process or state of doing something, typically in the context of activity or task accomplishment. It can refer to both physical activities, such as running or jumping, as well as abstract actions, such as activities in a movie or event.

Example sentences using: azione

L'azione è più forte delle parole.

English translation of L'azione è più forte delle parole.

Action is stronger than words.

This is a common phrase used to express that actions hold more weight than words alone. The word 'azione' is used here to signify 'action'.

La mia azione preferita nel film era l'inseguimento.

English translation of La mia azione preferita nel film era l'inseguimento.

My favorite action in the movie was the chase.

In this sentence, 'azione' is used to refer to a particular sequence or scene from a movie. It's frequently used in the context of films to refer to action sequences.

Nessuna azione è troppo piccola per fare la differenza.

English translation of Nessuna azione è troppo piccola per fare la differenza.

No action is too small to make a difference.

This statement emphasizes the power of individual actions, no matter how small, to bring about change. 'Azione' in this context refers to an act or a deed.

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