having personality
The Italian phrase 'avere personalità' translates to 'having personality' in English. It is used to describe someone who has a distinct and unique character, often in a positive way. This phrase is commonly used to express that someone is interesting, engaging, or memorable due to their individual traits or characteristics.
To be a leader, you must have personality.
This Italian sentence indicates the importance of personality for a leadership role. It asserts that having a strong personality is a prerequisite for being a leader.
No matter how beautiful you are, if you don't have personality.
In this Italian sentence, the speaker is expressing a sentiment that physical beauty is not the most important aspect of a person, but rather their personality.
You have an ordinary look, but I love that you have personality.
This sentence illustrates a person expressing their admiration for another person's personality, despite describing their appearance as 'ordinary'. It highlights the value of personality over appearance.