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avere occhi marroni

English translation of avere occhi marroni

have brown eyes

The Italian phrase "avere occhi marroni" is used to describe someone who has brown eyes. The verb "avere" is the equivalent of the English verb "to have". The noun "occhi" is the plural form of "occhio", which means "eye". The adjective "marroni" is the plural form of "marrone", which means "brown". In Italian, adjectives typically follow the noun they modify, hence "occhi marroni".

Example sentences using: avere occhi marroni

Luca ha occhi marroni molto belli.

English translation of Luca ha occhi marroni molto belli.

Luca has very beautiful brown eyes.

This phrase describes Luca's eye color in a positive way, highlighting the beauty of his brown eyes.

I bambini con occhi marroni sembrano sempre gentili.

English translation of I bambini con occhi marroni sembrano sempre gentili.

Children with brown eyes always seem kind.

This phrase makes a general observation about children who have brown eyes, associating the color with kindness.

Maria ama i suoi occhi marroni.

English translation of Maria ama i suoi occhi marroni.

Maria loves her brown eyes.

This phrase expresses Maria's affection for her own eye color, emphasizing a sense of self-appreciation.

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