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English translation of avanti


The word 'avanti' is used in Italian to mean 'forward'. It can be used as an adverb or as a noun. As an adverb, it can mean 'ahead' or 'onward'. As a noun, it can refer to the 'front' or 'forepart'. For example, 'Avanti, avanti!' is a common phrase used to encourage someone to move forward or continue.

Example sentences using: avanti

Andiamo avanti nonostante le difficoltà.

English translation of Andiamo avanti nonostante le difficoltà.

We move forward despite the difficulties.

This sentence is usually used to express determination and resilience. 'Avanti' here means 'forward', showing the direction of movement.

Avanti, dimmi tutto.

English translation of Avanti, dimmi tutto.

Go ahead, tell me everything.

This phrase is often used in conversation when a speaker wants the listener to continue speaking. In this context, 'Avanti' means 'Go ahead'.

Mi sono spostato avanti nella fila.

English translation of Mi sono spostato avanti nella fila.

I moved forward in the line.

This sentence often describes a situation in which someone changes his or her position in a line. Here, 'Avanti' means 'forward', indicating the direction of movement.

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