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English translation of aumentare


The Italian word 'aumentare' is used to describe an increase or rise in something. It can refer to a variety of contexts, such as an increase in quantity, price, or intensity. For example, 'aumentare la velocità' means 'to increase the speed'.

Example sentences using: aumentare

Ho bisogno di aumentare il mio stipendio

English translation of Ho bisogno di aumentare il mio stipendio

I need to increase my salary

This sentence is an example of wanting to increase something in a personal or financial context. It shows the person has a need (Ho bisogno) to increase (aumentare) their salary (il mio stipendio).

La marea inizia a aumentare

English translation of La marea inizia a aumentare

The tide begins to increase

This sentence shows the verb 'aumentare' being used in context of a natural phenomenon, specifically the tide (La marea). It starts (inizia) to increase (aumentare).

Voglio aumentare la mia conoscenza dell'italiano

English translation of Voglio aumentare la mia conoscenza dell'italiano

I want to increase my knowledge of Italian

In this example, the person wants (Voglio) to increase (aumentare) their knowledge (la mia conoscenza) of Italian (dell'italiano). This represents a desire to learn more or improve in a subject matter.

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