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English translation of attore


The Italian word 'attore' is equivalent to the English word 'actor'. It is used to refer to a man who performs in films, theater, or television productions. Like in English, plurals are formed by changing the final 'e' to 'i', therefore 'actors' will be 'attori'.

Example sentences using: attore

L'attore principale del film ha ricevuto molti elogi.

English translation of L'attore principale del film ha ricevuto molti elogi.

The main actor of the movie received many praises.

In this sentence, 'L'attore principale del film ha ricevuto molti elogi.' the subject is 'the main actor', combined with the verb 'received', praises. This sentence is demonstrating an action that was done by someone.

Mio fratello sogna di diventare un attore.

English translation of Mio fratello sogna di diventare un attore.

My brother dreams of becoming an actor.

This sentence, 'Mio fratello sogna di diventare un attore.', narrates about someone's ambition, where 'My brother' is the subject who 'dreams' to 'become an actor'.

Quell'attore ha un talento naturale.

English translation of Quell'attore ha un talento naturale.

That actor has a natural talent.

In 'Quell'attore ha un talento naturale.', the subject is 'That actor' who apparently 'has' a 'natural talent'. The sentence is describing a person's attribute.

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