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English translation of attacco


The Italian word 'attacco' is used to describe an offensive maneuver or action, similar to the English word 'attack'. It can be used in various contexts such as military operations, sports, or even verbal confrontations. For example, 'un attacco militare' means a military attack, while 'un attacco di panico' refers to a panic attack.

Example sentences using: attacco

Durante l'attacco, tutti correvano in cerca di rifugio.

English translation of Durante l'attacco, tutti correvano in cerca di rifugio.

During the attack, everyone was running in search of shelter.

This sentence uses 'attacco' in the context of a dangerous situation, like a military attack or a natural disaster, where people are trying to find a safe place to hide.

L'attacco di tosse era cosi severo, pensavo di soffocare.

English translation of L'attacco di tosse era cosi severo, pensavo di soffocare.

The coughing fit was so severe, I thought I was going to suffocate.

In this sentence, 'attacco' is used to express a sudden and intense event or action. Here, it is used in relation to a severe bout of coughing that made the speaker feel like they were choking.

Il mio cane è sempre in attacco quando vede uno scoiattolo.

English translation of Il mio cane è sempre in attacco quando vede uno scoiattolo.

My dog is always on the attack when he sees a squirrel.

In this example, 'attacco' is used to describe a state of aggressive behavior. The phrase 'in attacco' implies that the dog is always ready to chase or aggressively play when it sees a squirrel.

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