The word 'arte' in Italian is used to describe any form of creative expression, including visual arts, literature, music, and more. It is a noun and can be used in various contexts, such as 'l'arte moderna' (modern art), 'un artista' (an artist), or 'la bellezza dell'arte' (the beauty of art).
Art is not just painting or sculpting.
This phrase indicates that the speaker believes art is not limited to traditional forms such as painting or sculptures, but encompasses many other forms of expression.
I saw an art exhibition yesterday.
This phrase indicates that the speaker visited an exhibition of art, which may include various forms of artistic works, such as paintings, models, etc., on the prior day.
She is studying art at the university.
This phrase indicates that the person being mentioned is a university student and her subject of study is art, which refers to an academic discipline involving the study of different forms of creative expression.