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English translation of area


The Italian word 'area' is used in the same way as the English word 'area'. It can refer to a specific portion of space, whether referred to in terms of a chosen or fixed extent or with vague or varying limits. For example, the phrase 'area urbanizzata' is used to refer to a built-up area.

Example sentences using: area

Questa è un'area privata

English translation of Questa è un'area privata

This is a private area

This sentence is used to indicate that a certain place is restricted and not for public use. The word 'area' is used in the same way as it is in English, to refer to a particular place or space.

L'area è ben pulita

English translation of L'area è ben pulita

The area is well cleaned

This sentence is used to describe a place or space that has been thoroughly cleaned. The word 'area' here refers to any place or region, which can be indoors or outdoors, that has been tidied.

L'area dei bambini è al primo piano

English translation of L'area dei bambini è al primo piano

The children's area is on the first floor

This phrase is commonly used in places like department stores or hospitals, where different sections of the building are designated for various purposes. In this sentence, 'area' refers to a section specifically designated for children.

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