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English translation of anno


The word 'anno' is used in Italian to mean 'year', similar to English. You would use it in the same contexts, for example to talk about someone's age, a period of time, or the calendar year. It's a masculine noun, and the plural form is 'anni'.

Example sentences using: anno

Ogni anno vado in Italia.

English translation of Ogni anno vado in Italia.

Every year I go to Italy.

This is a statement in Italian that shows the use of 'anno' which translates to 'year' in English, in the context of a recurring event, specifically, going to Italy annually.

L'anno scorso ho visitato Roma.

English translation of L'anno scorso ho visitato Roma.

Last year I visited Rome.

In this sentence, 'anno' is used in the phrase 'l'anno scorso', which means 'last year'. It's an example of how to refer to the previous year in Italian.

Il nuovo anno è sempre eccitante.

English translation of Il nuovo anno è sempre eccitante.

The new year is always exciting.

In this context, 'anno' is part of the phrase 'il nuovo anno', which translates as 'the new year'. This is typically used when referring to the beginning of a new calendar year.

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