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amico stretto

English translation of amico stretto

close friend

The term 'amico stretto' in Italian is used to describe a close friend or someone very dear to you, similar way of how it is used in English. It's often used in conversations to describe the closeness and affectionate relationship between two individuals.

Example sentences using: amico stretto

Marco è un mio amico stretto, sempre pronto ad aiutarmi.

English translation of Marco è un mio amico stretto, sempre pronto ad aiutarmi.

Marco is a close friend of mine, always ready to help me.

This sentence is used to express the close friendship between the speaker and Marco, indicating that Marco is always willing to help the speaker.

Nel mio gruppo di amici, Paolo è l'amico stretto su cui posso sempre contare.

English translation of Nel mio gruppo di amici, Paolo è l'amico stretto su cui posso sempre contare.

In my group of friends, Paolo is the close friend I can always rely on.

In this phrase, the speaker is indicating that they can always depend on Paolo in their circle of friends, emphasizing the depth of their relationship.

Un amico stretto come te è difficile da trovare.

English translation of Un amico stretto come te è difficile da trovare.

A close friend like you is hard to find.

This sentence expresses the speaker's appreciation for the deep friendship they have with the person they're addressing, highlighting the rarity of such a bond.

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