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English translation of Amicizia


Use this term to refer to the relationship between friends. It captures the concept of a bond or connection between individuals.

Example sentences using: Amicizia

La nostra amicizia è come quella nell film 'Onore e rispetto'.

English translation of La nostra amicizia è come quella nell film 'Onore e rispetto'.

Our friendship is like that in the movie 'Honor and Respect'.

This phrase compares the speaker's friendship to the close bond portrayed amongst characters in 'Honor and Respect', indicating their relationship is very close and treasured.

Non c'è amicizia come quella nel film 'Toy Story'.

English translation of Non c'è amicizia come quella nel film 'Toy Story'.

There's no friendship like the one in the movie 'Toy Story'.

This sentence is using the deep friendship depicted in the movie 'Toy Story' as the highest standard of friendship, suggesting that the bond between the characters is above typical ones.

Voglio un'amicizia autentica come nel film 'Amici Miei'.

English translation of Voglio un'amicizia autentica come nel film 'Amici Miei'.

I want a genuine friendship like in the movie 'My Friends'.

The speaker expresses a desire to have a meaningful friendship like the one portrayed in the film 'My Friends', which presumably shows true and deep friendships.

La trama del film 'Amicizia Sospesa' ruota intorno all'amicizia.

English translation of La trama del film 'Amicizia Sospesa' ruota intorno all'amicizia.

The plot of the movie 'Suspended Friendship' revolves around friendship.

This sentence states that the key theme or storyline of the movie 'Suspended Friendship' is based on friendship.

L'amicizia nel film 'Stand by Me' è commovente.

English translation of L'amicizia nel film 'Stand by Me' è commovente.

The friendship in the movie 'Stand by Me' is touching.

The speaker is impressed by the representation of friendship in the film 'Stand by Me', describing it as moving or emotionally impactful.

Il film 'Scuola di Amicizia' insegna i valori dell'amicizia.

English translation of Il film 'Scuola di Amicizia' insegna i valori dell'amicizia.

The movie 'Friendship School' teaches the values of friendship.

The phrase highlights the educational aspect of the movie 'Friendship School', stating it is effective in conveying important lessons about friendship.

L'amicizia tra i personaggi nel film 'Amici di Letto' è complicata.

English translation of L'amicizia tra i personaggi nel film 'Amici di Letto' è complicata.

The friendship between the characters in the movie 'Friends with Benefits' is complicated.

This phrase tells about the complexity of the relationship between characters in 'Friends with Benefits', describing it as a friendship with complications.

L'amicizia nel film 'Harry Potter' è indimenticabile.

English translation of L'amicizia nel film 'Harry Potter' è indimenticabile.

The friendship in the movie 'Harry Potter' is unforgettable.

The phrase recognizes the memorable friendship portrayed in the 'Harry Potter' series and notes its lasting impact on audiences.

Il film 'Amicizia e Amore' mostra la linea sottile tra l'amicizia e l'amore.

English translation of Il film 'Amicizia e Amore' mostra la linea sottile tra l'amicizia e l'amore.

The movie 'Friendship and Love' shows the thin line between friendship and love.

This sentence reveals that the movie 'Friendship and Love' explores the close link and blurred boundaries between friendship and romantic love.

Il film 'Amicizia Virtuale' mi ha fatto piangere.

English translation of Il film 'Amicizia Virtuale' mi ha fatto piangere.


In this sentence, the speaker is expressing emotional response to a film titled 'Virtual Friendship', which could indicate the film deals with emotional topics related to friendship.

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