The word 'ambizioso' in Italian is used to describe a person who has a strong desire and determination to achieve success or a particular goal. It can also be used to describe a plan or project that is very challenging and requires a lot of effort to accomplish. In Italian, the word 'ambizioso' is often associated with positive qualities such as determination, perseverance, and hard work, but it can also have negative connotations if the ambition is excessive or unrealistic.
Luca is a very ambitious student.
This sentence is stating a known fact about Luca, signifying that his ambition is a significant quality of his identified by the speaker.
It is necessary to be ambitious to reach great goals.
In this context, being ambitious is described as a prerequisite for achieving significant goals. The sentence implies that ambition is generally seen as a positive trait.
His ambition is really impressive.
The speaker is expressing admiration for the ambition of the person being discussed. The usage of 'impressionante' suggests that the degree of ambition is remarkable or exceptional.