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English translation of alcol


In Italian, the word 'alcol' is used to refer to alcohol, which is a common substance found in various beverages such as beer, wine, and spirits. The word is used in the same way as in English, with 'alcol' being the substance that can cause intoxication when consumed in large amounts. The word can also be used to refer to alcohol in a scientific context, such as in chemistry or biology.

Example sentences using: alcol

Io bevo alcol ogni fine settimana.

English translation of Io bevo alcol ogni fine settimana.

I drink alcohol every weekend.

This sentence uses 'alcol' to demonstrate the speaker's recreational consumption of alcohol on a regular basis. Here, 'alcol' is used as a singular, uncountable noun referring to the general category of alcoholic beverages.

L'alcol è dannoso per la salute.

English translation of L'alcol è dannoso per la salute.

Alcohol is harmful to health.

This sentence uses 'alcol' to convey the harmful impacts of alcohol on a person's health. The definite article 'L' is used to refer to alcohol as a general concept.

Evitiamo l'alcol durante la settimana del lavoro.

English translation of Evitiamo l'alcol durante la settimana del lavoro.

We avoid alcohol during the work week.

This sentence uses 'alcol' to express the speaker's and others' decision to abstain from alcohol during the work week. The definite article 'L' is used to refer to alcohol in a general sense. 'Evitiamo' indicates a collective action.

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