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English translation of albero


The word 'albero' is used in Italian to refer to a tree. It can be used in the same context as the English word 'tree', to describe a large plant with a trunk and branches, or to refer to a diagram that shows relationships between different items, such as a family tree or a decision tree.

Example sentences using: albero

Vedo un albero grande dal mio balcone.

English translation of Vedo un albero grande dal mio balcone.

I see a big tree from my balcony.

This phrase is an example of how to express sight in Italian. The subject 'I' (Io, usually dropped in Italian) sees (Vedo) an object, in this case, a big tree (un albero grande) from a specific location (dal mio balcone).

Nel parco c'è un albero molto antico.

English translation of Nel parco c'è un albero molto antico.

In the park there is a very old tree.

This sentence illustrates the use of place and existence in Italian. The preposition 'in' is followed by the place 'the park' (Nel parco), and the verb 'c'è' indicates existence, followed by the object of existence 'a very old tree' (un albero molto antico).

L'albero di Natale è pieno di luci brillanti.

English translation of L'albero di Natale è pieno di luci brillanti.

The Christmas tree is full of bright lights.

This sentence is an illustration of how to describe a subject with multiple attributes in Italian. The subject 'The Christmas tree' (L'albero di Natale), is described with the verb 'is full of' (è pieno di), followed by the attributes 'bright lights' (luci brillanti).

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