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English translation of affrettarsi


The Italian word 'affrettarsi' is a reflexive verb that corresponds to the English word 'rush'. It is used to describe the act of moving or acting quickly or urgently, often due to a sense of haste or urgency. For example, 'Mi devo affrettare a finire il compito prima che scada il tempo' means 'I have to rush to finish the assignment before time runs out'.

Example sentences using: affrettarsi

Dovresti affrettarti se non vuoi perdere il treno.

English translation of Dovresti affrettarti se non vuoi perdere il treno.

You should hurry if you don't want to miss the train.

In this sentence, 'affrettarti' is being used in its verb form to tell someone they should hasten or hurry up. The context here is that the individual risks missing their train if they do not hurry.

Ci stiamo affrettando per finire il lavoro.

English translation of Ci stiamo affrettando per finire il lavoro.

We are hurrying to finish the job.

In this example, 'affrettando' is used in its gerundive form to express the ongoing action of hastening or rushing to accomplish something. The context is that the group is trying to complete a job quickly.

Mi affretto a scappare dal temporale.

English translation of Mi affretto a scappare dal temporale.

I hasten to escape from the storm.

In this medium difficulty level phrase, 'Mi affretto' is being used to express the person's hurried action of escaping the storm. The verb 'affrettarsi' as used here indicates a swift action driven by an urgent situation.

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