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English translation of affari


The Italian word 'affari' is used to refer to matters of commerce, trade, or profession. Just like in English, 'affari' can be used in various contexts related to economic activities, from small businesses (piccoli affari) to big businesses (grandi affari).

Example sentences using: affari

Ho bisogno di parlare di affari con te.

English translation of Ho bisogno di parlare di affari con te.

I need to talk about business with you.

In this sentence, 'affari' is used to mean 'business'. It is used to indicate the subject or matter of concern that the speaker wishes to discuss with the recipient of the message.

Gli affari vanno bene.

English translation of Gli affari vanno bene.

Business is going well.

Here, 'affari' is used to refer to 'business' in a general sense, specifically the speaker's business or trade. The phrase 'vanno bene' literally translates to 'go well', indicating a positive state or successful performance.

Non mescolare affari e piacere.

English translation of Non mescolare affari e piacere.

Don't mix business and pleasure.

In this example, 'affari' is again used to mean 'business'. This sentence advises against mixing professional dealings or 'business' ('affari') with personal enjoyment or 'pleasure' ('piacere'), implying that it could lead to complications or conflict.

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