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English translation of acqua


The Italian word for water is 'acqua'. You can use it in various contexts such as ordering water in a restaurant ('Posso avere dell'acqua, per favore?'), talking about the weather ('C'è molta acqua oggi' - It's very wet today), or even in expressions like 'L'acqua alla gola' which means to be in a tight spot.

Example sentences using: acqua

Ho bisogno di acqua per preparare il caffè

English translation of Ho bisogno di acqua per preparare il caffè

I need water to prepare coffee

This phrase shows the use of 'acqua' in a practical context, where it's needed for a culinary purpose - to make coffee.

L'acqua del lago è molto fredda

English translation of L'acqua del lago è molto fredda

The water in the lake is very cold

This sentence uses 'acqua' to describe a natural body of water - a lake. The speaker is talking about the temperature of this water.

Non dimenticare di bere la tua acqua

English translation of Non dimenticare di bere la tua acqua

Do not forget to drink your water

In this phrase, 'acqua' is used in a context of a reminder. It's a nudge to hydrate by drinking water.

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