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aborto volontario

English translation of aborto volontario

voluntary abortion

In Italian, the term 'aborto volontario' refers to a voluntary abortion, which is a procedure to end a pregnancy. It is important to note that the term 'volontario' is used to indicate that the decision to have an abortion was made by the individual themselves, rather than being forced or coerced. The use of this term is significant in the context of reproductive rights and the debate around abortion laws and access to abortion services.

Example sentences using: aborto volontario

Il dibattito sull'aborto volontario è ancora acceso in diversi paesi.

English translation of Il dibattito sull'aborto volontario è ancora acceso in diversi paesi.

The debate on voluntary abortion is still heated in several countries.

This sentence is discussing the ongoing global debate about voluntary abortion. It implies that the topic is controversial and opinions are varied in different countries.

English translation of L'aborto volontario dovrebbe essere legale secondo il mio punto di vista.

Voluntary abortion should be legal, according to my point of view.

In this sentence, the speaker is expressing their personal opinion that voluntary abortion should be legalized. This suggests they believe in a woman's right to choose what happens to her own body.

Un libro che ho letto recentemente riguarda la legislazione sull'aborto volontario in Italia.

English translation of Un libro che ho letto recentemente riguarda la legislazione sull'aborto volontario in Italia.

A book I recently read is about the legislation on voluntary abortion in Italy.

This sentence indicates that the speaker has recently been reading about Italian laws regarding voluntary abortion, implying an interest in or need for information about this topic.

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