Italian Italian

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Italian.


In Italian, the word 'a' is a preposition that is used to indicate direction or destination. It is similar to the English word 'to' and is often used before a noun or a location. For example, 'Vado a casa' means 'I am going to the house'. It is important to note that the word 'a' is used before a singular noun, while the word 'ai' is used before a plural noun.

Example sentences with  a
A presto
See you soon

The Italian phrase 'A presto' is used when parting ways and you want to convey the sentiment that you will see the other person in the near future. It is the direct translation of 'See you soon' in English.

Example sentences with  A presto
a volte

The Italian phrase 'a volte' is used identically to 'sometimes' in English. It is used to indicate that an event or situation occurs occasionally, but not always.

Example sentences with  a volte

The Italian word 'abbastanza' translates to 'quite' in English and is often used to express an extent or degree. It can be used with both positive and negative adjectives and nouns. For example, 'Il libro è abbastanza interessante' translates to 'The book is quite interesting'.

Example sentences with  abbastanza

The Italian word 'abbastanza' is used similarly to the English word 'enough'. It can be used to indicate that no more of something is required or as an adverb to qualify adjectives or other adverbs, correlating with how much or to what extent.

Example sentences with  abbastanza

The Italian word 'abilità' is used to describe a person's ability or proficiency in a particular area. It can be used in the same way as the English word 'skill'. For example, one might say 'Ha una grande abilità nel cucinare', which means 'He has a great skill in cooking'.

Example sentences with  abilità

Ability in Italian is translated as 'abilità'. It is a noun and is used to describe the quality of being able to do something, the power to do something, or the state of being able. It is used in the same way as in English, for example, 'He has the ability to play the piano.' or 'Her abilities in math are excellent.'.

Example sentences with  abilità

The Italian word 'abilitare' is used in a similar way to the English 'enable'. It means to make something possible or available, often in a technical or legal context. For example, 'abilitare le notifiche' means 'to enable notifications'.

Example sentences with  abilitare

The Italian word 'abito' is used to refer to a suit, which is a set of outer clothes made of the same fabric and designed to be worn together, typically consisting of a jacket and trousers or a jacket and skirt. 'Abito' can also refer to a dress, but in the context of a suit, it is used to describe the formal or semi-formal attire worn for special occasions or professional settings.

Example sentences with  abito

The Italian word 'abitudine' is used to describe a routine or customary behavior that a person does regularly. It can refer to both good and bad habits, and it is often used in the context of personal development and self-improvement. For example, one might say 'Ho l'abitudine di fare esercizio fisico ogni mattina' to express that they have the habit of doing physical exercise every morning.

Example sentences with  abitudine

The word 'abuso' in Italian is used to describe a situation where someone is being mistreated or harmed, either physically or emotionally. It can also refer to the misuse of something, such as power or authority. The word is often used in legal contexts to describe various forms of mistreatment, such as child abuse or domestic abuse.

Example sentences with  abuso

The Italian word 'accadere' is generally used in the same manner as 'happen' in English. It refers to an event that takes place or occurs, whether unexpectedly or in the course of events. It is often used in the context of discussing occurrences, describing events, or explaining the possibility of something taking place.

Example sentences with  accadere

In Italian, the word 'accettare' is used to express the act of accepting something. It is a verb that is used in the same way as 'accept' in English. For example, 'I accept your invitation' would translate to 'Accetto il tuo invito.'

Example sentences with  accettare

The Italian word 'accordo' is used when agreeing with someone or something. It can be used to express consent, harmony in opinion or feeling, or a pact or covenant in Italian.

Example sentences with  accordo

In Italian, the word 'accusare' is used to express the act of accusing someone of something. It is a transitive verb, meaning it requires a direct object to complete its meaning. For example, 'Lui accusa me di mentire' translates to 'He accuses me of lying'. The word 'accusare' is also used in legal contexts, such as 'accusare qualcuno di un crimine' which means 'to accuse someone of a crime'.

Example sentences with  accusare

The Italian word for water is 'acqua'. You can use it in various contexts such as ordering water in a restaurant ('Posso avere dell'acqua, per favore?'), talking about the weather ('C'è molta acqua oggi' - It's very wet today), or even in expressions like 'L'acqua alla gola' which means to be in a tight spot.

Example sentences with  acqua

The word 'acquirente' in Italian is used to refer to a person or entity that purchases goods or services. It is the equivalent of the English word 'buyer'. It is often used in legal and business contexts, as well as in everyday conversation.

Example sentences with  acquirente

The Italian word 'adattare' is used to mean 'adapt' or 'adjust'. It is often used in the context of fitting something to a new situation or environment. For example, 'adattare un vestito' means 'to alter a dress' to fit better. It can also be used metaphorically, such as 'adattarsi alla vita in città' meaning 'to adapt to city life'.

Example sentences with  adattare

The Italian word "addestramento" is used to describe the process of training or instruction, especially in the context of military or sports. It can also refer to the skills or knowledge acquired through this process. The word is often used in conjunction with specific activities, such as "addestramento militare" (military training) or "addestramento sportivo" (sports training).

Example sentences with  addestramento
Addio per sempre
Goodbye forever

The Italian phrase 'Addio per sempre' is used when you are saying farewell to someone with the implication that you may never see them again. It can be used in serious or dramatic situations. 'Addio' means 'goodbye' and 'per sempre' means 'forever'.

Example sentences with  Addio per sempre

The word 'adulto' is used in Italian to refer to a person who has reached maturity or the age of majority. It is often used to differentiate between children and grown-ups, and is used in a variety of contexts, including legal, social, and cultural settings.

Example sentences with  adulto

The Italian word for 'airplane' is 'aereo'. It is a masculine noun (so it uses 'il' for 'the' and 'un' for 'a'), and it is used in the same context as in English. For example, 'I see an airplane' can be translated as 'Vedo un aereo'.

Example sentences with  aereo

The Italian word 'aeroporto' is used similarly to the English word 'airport', referring to a location where aircraft take off and land, with facilities for passengers. For example, 'Ho un volo da l'aeroporto di Roma' means 'I have a flight from Rome airport'.

Example sentences with  aeroporto

The word 'affare' in Italian is used to denote a deal or agreement, often in a business context. It can also refer to a bargain or a good opportunity. For example, 'Ho fatto un affare' means 'I made a deal' or 'I got a good deal'.

Example sentences with  affare

The Italian word 'affari' is used to refer to matters of commerce, trade, or profession. Just like in English, 'affari' can be used in various contexts related to economic activities, from small businesses (piccoli affari) to big businesses (grandi affari).

Example sentences with  affari

Afferrare is the Italian equivalent of the English verb 'grab'. It is used to express the action of taking hold of something quickly or suddenly. For instance, 'He grabbed the book from the table.' translates to 'Ha afferrato il libro dal tavolo.' in Italian.

Example sentences with  afferrare

Affitto is the Italian word for rent. It is used in the same context as in English, to describe the payment made for the use of a property, such as a house or an apartment, for a specified period of time. For example, 'I pay $1000 a month for the rent of my apartment.' would translate to 'Pago 1000 dollari al mese per l'affitto del mio appartamento.'

Example sentences with  affitto

Afford is translated to 'affordare' in Italian. This verb is used to express the ability to pay for something, or to be able to do something without negative consequences. For example, 'Can you afford this car?' means 'Puoi permetterti questa macchina?' and 'I can't afford to lose my job' means 'Non posso permettermi di perdere il mio lavoro.'

Example sentences with  affordare

The Italian word 'affrettarsi' is a reflexive verb that corresponds to the English word 'rush'. It is used to describe the act of moving or acting quickly or urgently, often due to a sense of haste or urgency. For example, 'Mi devo affrettare a finire il compito prima che scada il tempo' means 'I have to rush to finish the assignment before time runs out'.

Example sentences with  affrettarsi

Affrontare is an Italian verb that means 'to tackle' or 'to face'. It is used when referring to confronting or dealing with a difficult problem or situation. For example, 'Devo affrontare il mio capo' means 'I have to tackle my boss', implying that there is a problem or issue that needs to be addressed.

Example sentences with  affrontare
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