Italian Italian Medicine Vocabulary

A collection of Italian words and phrases related to the field of medicine. Helpful for students learning Italian with a focus on healthcare.


In Italian, the word 'aborto' is used to describe the medical procedure of ending a pregnancy. This term is often used in discussions about reproductive rights and healthcare. However, it's important to note that the topic can be sensitive and is often subject to cultural, religious, and personal beliefs.

Example sentences with  aborto
aborto spontaneo

In Italian, the term 'aborto spontaneo' is used to refer to a miscarriage. This term is used when a pregnancy ends on its own, within the first 20 weeks of gestation. It's a natural and common complication of pregnancy, but it can be emotionally challenging for the mother and her family.

Example sentences with  aborto spontaneo
aborto volontario
voluntary abortion

In Italian, the term 'aborto volontario' refers to a voluntary abortion, which is a procedure to end a pregnancy. It is important to note that the term 'volontario' is used to indicate that the decision to have an abortion was made by the individual themselves, rather than being forced or coerced. The use of this term is significant in the context of reproductive rights and the debate around abortion laws and access to abortion services.

Example sentences with  aborto volontario

In Italian, the word 'alcol' is used to refer to alcohol, which is a common substance found in various beverages such as beer, wine, and spirits. The word is used in the same way as in English, with 'alcol' being the substance that can cause intoxication when consumed in large amounts. The word can also be used to refer to alcohol in a scientific context, such as in chemistry or biology.

Example sentences with  alcol

In Italian, the word 'cadavere' is used to refer to a corpse, which is the body of a dead person or animal. This term is often used in legal or medical contexts, as well as in literature and film. It is important to note that 'cadavere' is a noun and should be used with the appropriate gender and number agreement in Italian sentences.

Example sentences with  cadavere
cellula staminale
stem cell

The term 'cellula staminale' in Italian translates to 'stem cell' in English. Stem cells are unique cells that have the ability to divide and differentiate into various specialized cell types. They play a crucial role in the body's growth and regeneration processes. In the context of medicine and biology, stem cells are of great interest due to their potential in treating diseases and injuries.

Example sentences with  cellula staminale

Chirurgia is the Italian term for surgery. It refers to the medical specialty that uses operative manual and instrumental techniques on a patient to investigate and/or treat a pathological condition such as a disease or injury, to help improve bodily function or appearance or to repair unwanted ruptured areas. Chirurgia can also refer to the actual procedure or operation itself.

Example sentences with  chirurgia

Depression in Italian is translated as 'depressione'. It is used to describe a state of low mood and aversion to activity. The term can refer to a mental disorder or a temporary state of sadness. It is important to note that the term 'depressione' is often used interchangeably with 'tristezza' (sadness), but they are not exactly the same. 'Depressione' is a more serious and long-lasting condition, while 'tristezza' is a more temporary state of sadness.

Example sentences with  depressione

The Italian word 'dieta' is used similarly to the English word 'diet'. It refers to a specific selection of food, often for the purpose of improving health or losing weight. In Italian, it can also refer to a daily food intake or a specific eating plan.

Example sentences with  dieta

The Italian word for doctor is 'dottore'. This is a masculine noun, and in the same way as English, it is used to refer to a medical professional. You can also use it in various sentence contexts such as 'Il dottore è qui' which means 'The doctor is here'.

Example sentences with  dottore

The word 'farmacista' in Italian refers to a professional who prepares and dispenses medicinal drugs, similar to the English term 'pharmacist'. It's used in a similar context, for instance when talking about visiting a pharmacy or discussing a person's job.

Example sentences with  farmacista
fecondazione in vitro
in vitro fertilization

In Italian, 'fecondazione in vitro' is the term used to refer to in vitro fertilization. It is a process of fertilization where an egg is combined with sperm outside the body, in vitro. The process involves monitoring and stimulating a woman's ovulatory process, removing an ovum or ova from the woman's ovaries and letting sperm fertilize them in a liquid in a laboratory.

Example sentences with  fecondazione in vitro

Fertilization is the process by which an egg is fertilized by a sperm, resulting in the formation of a new organism. In Italian, the word for fertilization is 'fertilizzazione'. This word is used in the same way as in English, to describe the process of fertilization in both plants and animals.

Example sentences with  fertilizzazione

The word 'infermiera' is an Italian noun actually used to referr to a nurse, someone who cares for the sick or infirm, particularly in a hospital setting. Similar to English, the Italian word 'infermiera' changes based on the gender of the person it is referring to - 'infermiere' for male nurses, and 'infermiera' for female nurses.

Example sentences with  infermiera
kit di pronto soccorso
first aid kit

The Italian phrase 'kit di pronto soccorso' is the equivalent of the English term 'first aid kit'. It refers to a collection of supplies and equipment that is used to give medical treatment to a person immediately after they are injured or become ill. This kit is typically used to administer basic medical care until professional medical assistance is available.

Example sentences with  kit di pronto soccorso

The word 'malato' in Italian is used to describe someone who is unwell or ill. It can be used as an adjective or a noun, and can refer to a physical or mental condition. For example, 'Mi sento malato' means 'I feel sick'.

Example sentences with  malato

The Italian word for disease is 'malattia'. It is a noun and is used to describe any condition that impairs the normal functioning of an organism, especially a human being. For example, 'Ho una malattia' means 'I have a disease'.

Example sentences with  malattia

The Italian word for menstruation is 'mestruazione'. It is used in a similar way to the English term, referring to the periodic discharge of blood and mucosal tissue from the inner lining of the uterus through the vagina. It is a natural process that occurs in most female mammals, including humans.

Example sentences with  mestruazione
nascita prematura
premature birth

The Italian term 'nascita prematura' is used to describe a birth that occurs before the 37th week of pregnancy. This term is used in medical contexts and in everyday conversation to describe a baby born too early.

Example sentences with  nascita prematura

The Italian word for 'hospital' is 'ospedale'. It is generally used in the same context as in English, referring to a health care institution providing patient treatment with specialized medical and nursing staff and medical equipment.

Example sentences with  ospedale
parto naturale
natural birth

In Italian, the term 'parto naturale' refers to a natural birth, which is a vaginal birth without medical intervention such as epidural anesthesia, forceps or vacuum extraction. It is often preferred by women who want to experience a more natural childbirth process.

Example sentences with  parto naturale

The word 'paziente' in Italian is used to refer to a person who is receiving medical treatment. It is a noun and can be used to describe someone who is enduring a situation with calmness and composure. For example, 'Il dottore ha detto che il paziente sta migliorando' (The doctor said that the patient is improving).

Example sentences with  paziente

The word 'pelle' in Italian is used to refer to the skin of a human or an animal. It can also be used to describe the outer layer or covering of something, similar to the English word 'skin'. For example, 'la pelle di un frutto' means 'the skin of a fruit'.

Example sentences with  pelle

The word 'privato' in Italian is used to describe something that is personal, not public, or not to be shared. It can refer to private property, a private conversation, or a private matter. In a broader sense, it can also mean something that is secret or confidential.

Example sentences with  privato

The word 'ricetta' is used in Italian to refer to a recipe. It is often used when talking about cooking or baking, and can refer to a written or verbal set of instructions for preparing a particular dish. For example, you might say 'Ho trovato una nuova ricetta per le lasagne' (I found a new recipe for lasagna).

Example sentences with  ricetta
riproduzione assistita
assisted reproduction

The term 'riproduzione assistita' in Italian refers to the medical process of assisted reproduction, which involves procedures such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). These techniques are used to help individuals or couples who are experiencing infertility to conceive a child.

Example sentences with  riproduzione assistita

In Italian, the word 'sollievo' is used to express relief, which can be physical or emotional. It can refer to the alleviation of pain or discomfort, or the easing of a burden or worry. For example, 'Ho provato un grande sollievo quando ho saputo che era tutto a posto' means 'I felt great relief when I found out everything was okay'.

Example sentences with  sollievo

The word 'sordo' in Italian is used to describe someone who is unable to hear. It can be used as an adjective, for example, 'una persona sorda' (a deaf person), or as a noun, 'il sordo' (the deaf man). It is important to note that in Italian, adjectives generally follow the noun they modify, unlike in English where they typically precede the noun.


In Italian, the word 'specialista' is used to refer to a person who has specialized knowledge or skills in a particular field. It is often used in the same context as the English word 'specialist', for example, to refer to a medical specialist or a legal specialist. The word is derived from the Latin 'specialis', meaning 'belonging to a particular kind'. It is a noun and is used in the same way as the English word 'specialist'.

Example sentences with  specialista

The Italian word 'stanco' is used to express the feeling of being tired or exhausted. It can be used in a sentence like 'Sono stanco' which means 'I am tired'.

Example sentences with  stanco
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