Dirty laundry is washed at home, so avoid talking about your partner's mistakes with your friends.
This phrase used in the context of a relationship advises to keep any disagreements or mistakes made within the relationship private and not involve friends. It encourages to maintain the sanctity and privacy of relationships.
We supported each other during hard times, because dirty laundry is washed at home.
This sentence reflects that during difficult times, the family members upheld each other because they believe in resolving their issues internally. It shows the strength and unity of the family in dealing with troubles.
In our family, dirty laundry is washed at home, thus avoiding involving other people in our problems.
This phrase is used to declare that their family solves their own issues without outsourcing to others. It reinforces that families ought to maintain their conflicts as private matters.
Dirty laundry should be washed at home, so we should not discuss our personal problems in public.
This phrase advises that personal or family issues should be handled privately within the family, not in public. It is not a literal concept of washing dirty clothes, but an equivalent of the English phrase 'don't air your dirty laundry in public'.
Despite much quarreling, the dirty laundry is washed within the family and they always manage to solve problems among themselves.
Here, this idiom is used to show that, while this family may argue a lot, they always managed to resolve their issues without others' involvement. It highlights the importance of maintaining privacy within a family.
Remember, dirty laundry is washed at home, so let's resolve our conflict here and now.
This phrase is utilized as a reminder that conflicts should be resolved privately and not let others be privy to such disputes. It underlines the value of immediate conflict resolution and privacy.
Luca and Giovanni are arguing in public? Haven't they heard that dirty laundry should be washed at home?
This sentence expresses surprise and disapproval that Luca and Giovanni are publicly arguing. It reiterates the proverb's meaning that personal disagreements should be resolved privately within family, not in public.
Dirty laundry is washed at home and there should be no room for strangers in our family matters.
This sentence is emphatic about keeping family matters within family members, excluding outsiders from their problems. It accentuates the value of keeping personal issues private.
Corporations must remember that dirty laundry is washed at home, and their internal issues should remain internal.
In a corporate context, this phrase suggests that businesses should keep their internal problems to themselves instead of making them public. It serves as a reminder about the importance of maintaining the corporate image.
Politicians should keep in mind that dirty laundry is washed at home and should not reveal internal matters or controversies to the public.
This sentence, aimed at politicians, implies that they should handle their controversies or disagreements privately to maintain their dignity and public reputation. It can be seen as advice to avoid potential public relations issues.