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Italian Sample Italian Vocab


The word 'intelligente' is used in Italian to describe someone or something that is smart, clever, or intelligent. It can be used as an adjective to describe a person who is quick-witted, bright, or sharp, as well as a thing that is cleverly designed or well thought out. For example, 'Quel ragazzo è molto intelligente' means 'That boy is very smart.'

Example sentences with  intelligente →
to sleep

The word 'dormire' is an Italian verb used to indicate the act of sleeping. It can be utilized in various aspects of the Italian language, exactly like 'to sleep' in English. Example: Io devo dormire - I need to sleep.

Example sentences with  dormire →

Affrontare is an Italian verb that means 'to tackle' or 'to face'. It is used when referring to confronting or dealing with a difficult problem or situation. For example, 'Devo affrontare il mio capo' means 'I have to tackle my boss', implying that there is a problem or issue that needs to be addressed.

Example sentences with  affrontare →

The Italian word 'salvare' is used in the same way as the English word 'save'. It can be used to indicate preserving or protecting something, such as 'salvare la vita' (save a life). It can also be used in a digital context, such as 'salvare un file' (save a file).

Example sentences with  salvare →

The word 'vista' in Italian can be used to describe the act of seeing or a panorama that you can see. It's used in a similar context as the English word 'view'. For example, 'Che bella vista!' translates to 'What a beautiful view!'

Example sentences with  vista →

The Italian word for doctor is 'dottore'. This is a masculine noun, and in the same way as English, it is used to refer to a medical professional. You can also use it in various sentence contexts such as 'Il dottore è qui' which means 'The doctor is here'.

Example sentences with  dottore →
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