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English translation of werfen


The German word 'werfen' is the equivalent of the English verb 'to throw'. It is used in the same contexts as its English counterpart, meaning to propel an object through the air using your hands or arms. For example, 'Er wirft den Ball' means 'He throws the ball'. It is also used in compound verbs such as 'wegwerfen' (to throw away) and 'zurückwerfen' (to throw back).

Example sentences using: werfen

Ich werde den Ball werfen.

English translation of Ich werde den Ball werfen.

I will throw the ball.

It is a simple statement about a future action involving an object and the verb 'werfen', which means 'to throw' in German.

Er darf den Müll nicht werfen.

English translation of Er darf den Müll nicht werfen.

He must not throw the trash.

This sentence uses the German modal verb 'darf' to express prohibition or restrictions, combined with the verb 'werfen', emphasizing what someone should not do.

Kannst du den Stein ins Wasser werfen?

English translation of Kannst du den Stein ins Wasser werfen?

Can you throw the rock into the water?

This sentence is a question using the modal verb 'kannst' — the second person singular form of 'können' (to be able to) – along with the verb 'werfen' to ask about the possibility of an action.

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