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English translation of Obst


Obst is the German word for fruit. It is a neuter noun and is used in the same way as the English word 'fruit'. It can refer to a single piece of fruit or multiple pieces of fruit. For example, 'Ich esse gerne Obst' means 'I like to eat fruit'.

Example sentences using: Obst

Ich mag Obst.

English translation of Ich mag Obst.

I like fruit.

The phrase 'Ich mag Obst' is a simple statement where 'Ich' is the pronoun 'I', 'mag' is the verb 'like' and 'Obst' translates to 'fruit'. This is often used by Germans to express liking towards fruit in general.

Obst ist gesund.

English translation of Obst ist gesund.

Fruit is healthy.

The statement 'Obst ist gesund' tells us about the nutritional value of fruit. 'Ist' is the verb 'is' and 'gesund' means 'healthy'. This is a simple way to express that fruit is beneficial for health.

Wo ist das Obst?

English translation of Wo ist das Obst?

Where is the fruit?

'Wo ist das Obst?' is a question about the location of the fruit. The word 'Wo' translates to 'where', 'ist' is the verb 'is' and 'das' is the definite article 'the'. This question is typically asked in the context of locating fruit, perhaps in a kitchen or store.

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