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English translation of Kumpel


'Kumpel' is German for 'Buddy' or 'Pal'. This word is more informal and colloquially used between close friends.

Example sentences using: Kumpel

English translation of Mein Kumpel hat den Film empfohlen.

My buddy recommended the movie.

'Hat... empfohlen' means 'recommended'. This sentence is used when your friend suggested you to watch a particular movie.

Mein Kumpel und ich gehen ins Kino.

English translation of Mein Kumpel und ich gehen ins Kino.

My buddy and I are going to the cinema.

This sentence introduces the phrase 'Mein Kumpel und ich', meaning 'My buddy and I', which is commonly used to refer to doing activities with friends. 'gehen ins Kino' means 'are going to the cinema'.

Ich habe den Film mit meinem Kumpel gesehen.

English translation of Ich habe den Film mit meinem Kumpel gesehen.

I watched the movie with my buddy.

This sentence uses the phrase 'Ich habe... gesehen', to suggest past actions, specifically, watching a movie with a friend. Here, 'Kumpel' refers to 'buddy'.

Mein Kumpel mag Horrorfilme.

English translation of Mein Kumpel mag Horrorfilme.

My buddy likes horror movies.

In this sentence, 'mag' means 'likes'. This sentence is used to express someone's preference for something, in this case, horror movies.

Mein Kumpel und ich haben einen Film gedreht.

English translation of Mein Kumpel und ich haben einen Film gedreht.

My buddy and I made a movie.

'Haben einen Film gedreht' is a phrase meaning 'made a movie'. This sentence is used when you and your friend produce a movie together.

Mein Kumpel geht jeden Freitag ins Kino.

English translation of Mein Kumpel geht jeden Freitag ins Kino.

My buddy goes to the cinema every Friday.

This sentence demonstrates how to say 'every Friday' in German - 'jeden Freitag'.

Mein Kumpel und ich haben denselben Lieblingsfilm.

English translation of Mein Kumpel und ich haben denselben Lieblingsfilm.

My buddy and I have the same favorite movie.

The phrase 'haben denselben Lieblingsfilm' means 'have the same favorite movie'. This is a useful phrase for discussing shared interests.

Mein Kumpel hasst romantische Filme.

English translation of Mein Kumpel hasst romantische Filme.

My buddy hates romantic movies.

'Hasst' is a term that means 'hates', and 'romantische Filme' refers to 'romantic movies'. This shows how to express dislike in German.

Mein Kumpel kommentiert immer den Film.

English translation of Mein Kumpel kommentiert immer den Film.

My buddy always comments on the movie.

'Kommentiert immer' means 'always comments'. This is a good phrase to use when someone is frequently expressing opinions about something.

Mein Kumpel kauft immer das Popcorn im Kino.

English translation of Mein Kumpel kauft immer das Popcorn im Kino.

My buddy always buys the popcorn at the cinema.

'Kauft immer' means 'always buys', and 'das Popcorn im Kino' refers to 'the popcorn at the cinema'. This sentence describes a common tradition or habit of a friend.

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