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English translation of Gefühl

to express (a feeling)

The German word 'Gefühl' is the equivalent of the English word 'feeling'. It is used to express a variety of emotions, including those that might be described as a 'manifest' feeling. In German, 'Gefühl' is often used in conjunction with other words to describe specific emotions, such as 'Liebesgefühl' (feeling of love) or 'Angstgefühl' (feeling of fear).

Example sentences using: Gefühl

Ich habe ein gutes Gefühl darüber.

English translation of Ich habe ein gutes Gefühl darüber.

I have a good feeling about this.

This phrase describes a positive intuition or premonition about something that is going to happen in the future. It is often used to express optimism or hopeful anticipation.

Das Gefühl der Liebe ist überwältigend.

English translation of Das Gefühl der Liebe ist überwältigend.

The feeling of love is overwhelming.

This sentence is used to express strong sentiment and emotion toward someone. It illustrates the idea that love can be very intense and overpowering.

Er hatte das Gefühl, dass etwas nicht stimmte.

English translation of Er hatte das Gefühl, dass etwas nicht stimmte.

He had the feeling something was not right.

This phrase is utilised when someone senses that there is something wrong or out of place, even if they can't exactly put their finger on what it is.

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