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English translation of Frieden


Frieden is the German word for peace. It is used to describe a state of tranquility, harmony, and the absence of war or conflict. In German, Frieden is often used in the context of international relations, personal relationships, and spiritual or philosophical discussions about peace.

Example sentences using: Frieden

Wir streben ständig nach Frieden in der Welt.

English translation of Wir streben ständig nach Frieden in der Welt.

We are constantly striving for peace in the world.

This sentence expresses the continuous desire for world peace. It can be uttered in various contexts where global peace issues are being discussed.

Frieden ist das höchste Gut.

English translation of Frieden ist das höchste Gut.

Peace is the greatest good.

The phrase suggests that peace is the most valuable asset. This is often said in talks about war, strife, and conflict to emphasize the importance of peace.

Der Frieden hat gesiegt.

English translation of Der Frieden hat gesiegt.

Peace has won.

This sentence is often used at the end of a conflict or war to indicate that peace has prevailed over violence. It's a declaration of the triumph of peace.

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