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Freudensprünge machen

English translation of Freudensprünge machen

jumping in joy

The phrase "Freudensprünge machen" is a German expression that directly translates to "making jumps of joy". It is used to describe a state of extreme happiness or excitement, where a person is so overjoyed that they might physically jump up and down. This phrase is often used metaphorically to express intense joy or enthusiasm, even if no actual jumping is involved.

Example sentences using: Freudensprünge machen

Ich war so glücklich, dass ich Freudensprünge machte.

English translation of Ich war so glücklich, dass ich Freudensprünge machte.

I was so happy that I was jumping for joy.

This sentence uses the expression 'Freudensprünge machen' to describe a joyful reaction to something. In English, we could use the phrase 'jumping for joy' as a direct translation.

Wenn ich den Job bekomme, werde ich Freudensprünge machen.

English translation of Wenn ich den Job bekomme, werde ich Freudensprünge machen.

If I get the job, I will be jumping for joy.

In this example, the speaker expresses their anticipation for a potential positive event that would cause them to react with utmost joy. The phrase 'Freudensprünge machen' relates to expressing this immense joy physically.

Sie machte Freudensprünge, als sie die gute Nachricht hörte.

English translation of Sie machte Freudensprünge, als sie die gute Nachricht hörte.

She was jumping for joy when she heard the good news.

This sentence uses 'Freudensprünge machen' to describe a person's ecstatic reaction upon hearing some positive news. The concept can be translated in English as her 'jumping for joy' upon hearing good news.

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