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Ermutigungslosigkeit spüren

English translation of Ermutigungslosigkeit spüren

notice a sensation of discouragement

The phrase 'Ermutigungslosigkeit spüren' in German translates to 'notice a sensation of discouragement' in English. It is used to express the feeling of being discouraged, often due to a lack of motivation or encouragement. This phrase is commonly used in contexts where one is facing challenges or obstacles and is struggling to find the motivation to continue.

Example sentences using: Ermutigungslosigkeit spüren

Sie könnte ihre Ermutigungslosigkeit spüren, als sie ihren Job verlor.

English translation of Sie könnte ihre Ermutigungslosigkeit spüren, als sie ihren Job verlor.

She could feel her discouragement when she lost her job.

In this sentence, the term 'Ermutigungslosigkeit spüren' is used to describe the feeling of discouragement one might experience during a difficult situation such as losing one's job. The verb 'spüren' generally means 'to feel' in English, capturing the emotional state of the subject.

Ich habe eine Ermutigungslosigkeit spüren, nachdem ich das Spiel verloren habe.

English translation of Ich habe eine Ermutigungslosigkeit spüren, nachdem ich das Spiel verloren habe.

I felt a discouragement after losing the game.

This expression uses the term 'Ermutigungslosigkeit spüren' to describe the feeling of discouragement resulting from an experience of failure, in this case the loss of a game. The first-person 'Ich' is used to express a personal feeling or emotion, indicating that the speaker is personally affected by the event.

Er wird eine tiefe Ermutigungslosigkeit spüren, wenn er die Prüfungen nicht besteht.

English translation of Er wird eine tiefe Ermutigungslosigkeit spüren, wenn er die Prüfungen nicht besteht.

He will feel a deep discouragement if he does not pass the exams.

In this instance, 'Ermutigungslosigkeit spüren' is used to discuss the hypothetical action of experiencing discouragement if a particular event occurs, namely, if 'he' doesn't pass his exams. This sentence suggests a negative outcome that may result in the subject feeling 'Ermutigungslosigkeit' or discouragement.

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