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English translation of Erhöhung


The German word 'Erhöhung' is used to express an increase in something. It can refer to an increase in prices, wages, or any other numerical value. It is often used in financial contexts. For example, 'Die Erhöhung der Preise' means 'the increase in prices'.

Example sentences using: Erhöhung

Die Erhöhung des Preises wurde von den Kunden nicht gut aufgenommen.

English translation of Die Erhöhung des Preises wurde von den Kunden nicht gut aufgenommen.

The increase of the price was not well received by the customers.

This sentence is talking about a situation where a price increase of a certain product or service wasn't welcomed by the customers. 'Die Erhöhung' means 'the increase' in this context.

Die Regierung hat eine Erhöhung der Steuern angekündigt.

English translation of Die Regierung hat eine Erhöhung der Steuern angekündigt.

The government has announced a tax increase.

This sentence is about a government announcement regarding a tax hike. 'Eine Erhöhung' translates to 'an increase' in English, in this instance referring to taxes.

Die Erhöhung der Temperatur führte zu einer Änderung des Klimas.

English translation of Die Erhöhung der Temperatur führte zu einer Änderung des Klimas.

The increase of temperature led to a change in climate.

This sentence is describing an environmental situation where a temperature increase resulted in a climate change. In this sentence, 'Die Erhöhung' is translated as 'the increase' referring to temperature.

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