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English translation of bewegen


The German word 'bewegen' is used to describe the action of moving something or someone. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as 'Ich bewege den Stuhl' (I move the chair), or 'Er bewegt sich schnell' (He moves quickly). It's important to note that 'bewegen' is a verb and its conjugation changes depending on the subject and tense.

Example sentences using: bewegen

Ich muss mich mehr bewegen

English translation of Ich muss mich mehr bewegen

I have to move more

This phrase is used when someone acknowledges a need to increase their physical activity or exercise more.

Können Sie sich bitte bewegen?

English translation of Können Sie sich bitte bewegen?

Could you please move?

This phrase is used in situations where someone is requesting another person to change their position, typically because they are in the way.

Sie bewegen die Welt

English translation of Sie bewegen die Welt

They move the world

This phrase is an analogy often used to compliment someone for their significant achievement or influence.

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