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English translation of Beutegefühl

feeling depressed

Beutegefühl is a compound noun in German, formed by combining the words 'Beute' (prey) and 'Gefühl' (feeling). It is not a standard term and its usage might be context-dependent or idiomatic. However, it could be interpreted as the feeling of being or becoming prey, such as in a predator-prey relationship, or as a metaphorical expression in other contexts.

Example sentences using: Beutegefühl

Er war von einem intensiven Beutegefühl überwältigt.

English translation of Er war von einem intensiven Beutegefühl überwältigt.

He was overwhelmed by an intense sense of prey.

In this sentence, 'Beutegefühl' signifies the feeling one might experience after capturing or obtaining something, which has been metaphorically referred to as 'prey'. The intensity of this feeling is reflected through the use of the adjective 'intensiven'.

Ich habe ein aufregendes Beutegefühl, wenn ich ein neues Buch kaufe.

English translation of Ich habe ein aufregendes Beutegefühl, wenn ich ein neues Buch kaufe.

I have an exciting sense of prey when I buy a new book.

Here, the speaker uses 'Beutegefühl' to express the thrill they get from acquiring something new, in this case, a new book. 'aufregendes' describes the feeling as not just any feeling of acquisition, but an 'exciting' one.

Das Beutegefühl, das sie empfand, war unbeschreiblich.

English translation of Das Beutegefühl, das sie empfand, war unbeschreiblich.

The sense of prey she felt was indescribable.

This sentence shows the usage of 'Beutegefühl' to describe an overwhelming sense of acquisition or capture that the subject 'she' experienced. The incredible potency of this feeling is captured by the adjective 'unbeschreiblich', meaning 'indescribable'.

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