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Auf Wiedersehen

English translation of Auf Wiedersehen


The German phrase "Auf Wiedersehen" is a formal way to say goodbye, which literally translates to "until we see each other again". It is often used in more formal situations or when parting ways with someone you do not know well. However, in informal settings, Germans often use the phrase "Tschüss" or "Ciao" instead.

Example sentences using: Auf Wiedersehen

Bevor ich gehe, sage ich Auf Wiedersehen.

English translation of Bevor ich gehe, sage ich Auf Wiedersehen.

Before I leave, I say goodbye.

In this example, the common phrase 'Auf Wiedersehen' is used as part of a sentence rather than as a suffix. The speaker is describing his or her routine before leaving, which includes saying goodbye.

Ich freue mich auf unser nächstes Auf Wiedersehen.

English translation of Ich freue mich auf unser nächstes Auf Wiedersehen.

I look forward to our next goodbye.

In this sentence, 'Auf Wiedersehen' is used as a noun to refer to the next meeting wherein the speaker will again use 'Auf Wiedersehen' to say goodbye. This reveals the versatility of the phrase, as its meaning can change based on its placement within a sentence.

Er winkte zum Auf Wiedersehen.

English translation of Er winkte zum Auf Wiedersehen.

He waved goodbye.

Here, 'Auf Wiedersehen' is used to describe a physical gesture of waving. This scenario presents 'Auf Wiedersehen' as a representation of a meaningful action.

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