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English translation of arm


The German word "arm" is used to describe a person who is poor, meaning they have little money or possessions. It can also be used to describe someone who is lacking in something, such as knowledge or skills. The word is an adjective and is often used in phrases such as "er ist arm" (he is poor).

Example sentences using: arm

Ich habe einen gebrochenen Arm.

English translation of Ich habe einen gebrochenen Arm.

I have a broken arm.

This sentence is a literal translation and it's used when someone has injured their arm. 'Einen gebrochenen Arm' means 'a broken arm' in English.

Er ist nicht arm an Erfahrungen.

English translation of Er ist nicht arm an Erfahrungen.

He is not poor in experiences.

In this case, 'arm' stands for 'poor' and it shows that the person has a lot of life and work experiences. In German 'nicht arm an' is often used in the sense of 'rich in'.

Sie fühlen sich arm.

English translation of Sie fühlen sich arm.

They feel poor.

This phrase is used when someone feels impoverished or lacking in some aspect, not only financially. 'Fühlen Sie arm' shows that the person or people feel that they don't have enough of something.

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