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English translation of Argument


The German word 'Argument' is used in the same way as in English, referring to a reason or fact for or against something. It can be used in the context of a discussion or debate, where each party presents their arguments to support their point of view.

Example sentences using: Argument

Das ist ein starkes Argument.

English translation of Das ist ein starkes Argument.

That is a strong argument.

This phrase is used when you believe someone's argument or point of view has substance or merit; their point is convincing or persuasive.

Sein ganzes Argument war fehlerhaft.

English translation of Sein ganzes Argument war fehlerhaft.

His entire argument was flawed.

This phrase is used when you find a person's entire argument or point of view to be wrong or flawed, suggesting that their reasoning, information, or logic was incorrect or mistaken.

Das Argument geht ins Leere.

English translation of Das Argument geht ins Leere.

The argument falls flat.

This phrase denotes that someone's argument or reasoning fails to convince others, lacks substance, or does not have the impact expected; the argument doesn't achieve its intent.

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