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English translation of Ansicht


Ansicht is a German noun that is often used to express a view or a perspective. It can be used to refer to a visual perspective, as in the view from a window, or a mental perspective, as in one's view on a particular topic. In a sentence, you might say 'Die Ansicht aus meinem Fenster ist wunderschön' (The view from my window is beautiful).

Example sentences using: Ansicht

Ich stimme deiner Ansicht zu.

English translation of Ich stimme deiner Ansicht zu.

I agree with your view.

This phrase is used when one agrees with someone's perspective or outlook on something. It is a common way to express agreement with an opinion in German-speaking countries.

Die Ansicht vom Berg ist atemberaubend.

English translation of Die Ansicht vom Berg ist atemberaubend.

The view from the mountain is breathtaking.

This sentence is typically used to describe a picturesque or awe-inspiring scenery. In this context, 'Ansicht' means view, as in what can be seen visually from a point.

In Anbetracht Ihrer Ansicht, müssen wir unsere Pläne ändern.

English translation of In Anbetracht Ihrer Ansicht, müssen wir unsere Pläne ändern.

In view of your opinion, we have to change our plans.

This phrase is used to express the need to alter or adjust one's plans based on someone else's opinion or perspective. It signifies respect for the other individual's point of view and the willingness to accommodate it.

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