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English translation of Angriff


The German word Angriff is used to denote an attack, which is a violent action taken against someone or something. It can refer to a military assault, a physical assault, or even a verbal attack. In the context of sports, it can also refer to an offensive maneuver or strategy.

Example sentences using: Angriff

Der Angriff beginnt im Morgengrauen.

English translation of Der Angriff beginnt im Morgengrauen.

The attack begins at dawn.

This sentence is describing a scene from a war or battle, where the attack, termed as 'Angriff' in German, is scheduled to start at dawn.

Angriff ist die beste Verteidigung.

English translation of Angriff ist die beste Verteidigung.

Attack is the best defense.

This is a German equivalent of the English saying 'The best defense is a good offense.' It suggests that one proactive way of protecting yourself from future attacks is to attack first.

Wir müssen einen Angriff planen.

English translation of Wir müssen einen Angriff planen.

We have to plan an attack.

In this sentence, the subjects are planning a strategic attack, therefore 'Angriff' in German, which manifests their endeavor towards strategizing and planning an offensive move.

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