The German word 'adoptieren' is used in a similar way to its English counterpart 'adopt'. It refers to the legal process of taking on the responsibility for a child that is not one's own biological offspring. In German, the verb is conjugated according to tense and person, just like in English. For example, 'Ich adoptiere ein Kind' means 'I adopt a child'.
We want to adopt a child.
This is a declarative sentence expressing a desire or future plan. The verb 'adoptieren' is used in the context of adopting a child.
They will adopt the system.
In this sentence, 'adoptieren' is used metaphorically to express the act of taking up or starting to use something, such as a system or a method.
Can I adopt your plan?
This is a question where 'adoptieren' is used to express accepting or choosing to take something on, such as a plan or an idea.