← German Vocab Builder
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English translation of acht


The German word 'acht' is used to represent the number eight. It is a cardinal number and is used in counting and expressing quantities. It is pronounced similarly to the English word 'ate' but with a short 'a' sound. For example, 'I have eight apples' translates to 'Ich habe acht Äpfel' in German.

Example sentences using: acht

Acht Tage sind in einer Woche nicht enthalten.

English translation of Acht Tage sind in einer Woche nicht enthalten.

Eight days are not contained in a week.

Here, 'acht' is employed to provide a count of days, demonstrating that the count exceeds the standard number of days in a week.

Ich habe acht Bücher.

English translation of Ich habe acht Bücher.

I have eight books.

This sentence uses 'acht' as a numerical value to indicate the quantity of books.

Acht Uhr ist meine Lieblingszeit.

English translation of Acht Uhr ist meine Lieblingszeit.

Eight o'clock is my favorite time.

In this case, 'acht' is used to denote the time on a clock, specifically 8 o'clock.

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